Practical Advice

Practical Advice

Jan 15 2021

All about SMART Farms – Sustainable, Manageable, Accessible, Rural Technologies

Agtech and research SMART Farms go hand in hand, testing a range of technologies, and developing cutting-edge new tech in partnership with ag industries. We explore the benefits ofSMART Farms for producers and...

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Practical Advice

Dec 03 2020

Monitoring technologies delivering animal welfare outcomes

Our feature story looks at emerging technologies such as sensors, machine vision, machine listening and robotic surveillance, which have found a place in the growing field of agtech for animal health. Animal...

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Practical Advice

Nov 20 2020

Smart pasture tools to build paddock potential

Pasture is one of the most important assets in dairy and livestock production systems, yet few producers measure their pastures in a meaningful way with, for example, only one in ten dairy...

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Practical Advice

Nov 06 2020

Tech fuels growth in Queensland agriculture

November is Queensland Agtech Month, designed to showcase the growing community of innovators working in Queensland agriculture and encourage overseas investors. We interviewed three different people involved in agtech in Queensland to get...

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Practical Advice

Oct 23 2020

Tech solutions for grain storage

Growers spend significant time and money throughout the season to ensure high-yielding crops with good protein or oil levels. So once the crops are harvested, it is important to protect that investment....

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Practical Advice

Oct 08 2020

Technology delivers a data harvest

Spring means harvest time is approaching for many of Australia’s grain cropping regions, and after a number of very dry and disappointing years, growers finally have something to look forward to. While...

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Practical Advice

Sep 24 2020

Making better cropping decisions with soil moisture sensors

Farming in Australia’s variable climate means it’s critical to preserve and utilise every bit of available moisture. Water is the limiting factor in rainfed cropping systems. While growing season rainfall is a...

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Practical Advice

Sep 22 2020

Building farm data trust

At AgTech Finder we ask vendors to provide their data policies so that farmers can make informed choices about agtech and be comfortable about the way their data is being collected and...

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Practical Advice

Sep 14 2020

Meat scanning technology delivers benefits to lamb producers

A scanning technology commonly used by the medical industry is being adopted by meat processors to improve on traditional human-based grading of meat. This paves the way for livestock producers to make...

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Practical Advice

Aug 28 2020

Technology improving calf survival in northern Australia

As calving in northern Australian gets underway, technology that includes birth sensors and GPS-tracking collars is providing clues to help producers bring down the rates of calf mortality in the beef industry....

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