Practical Advice

Practical Advice

Mar 24 2020

Common Issues with Water Sensors

MLA and a team of tech partners recently ran a project at Calliope Station that involved monitoring water levels in tanks and dams across two properties, with 70,000 acres and 7,000 head...

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Practical Advice

Mar 20 2020

5 Questions to Ask your AgTech Provider About Data

Producers are generating more data than ever before. If data was water we’d be dancing in the streets.  But as every bit of equipment from your tractor to your ear tag generates more ones and zeros than you...

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Practical Advice

Feb 24 2020

National Farmers’ Federation develops Australian Farm Data Code

The Australian Farm Data Code aims to promote adoption of digital technology by ensuring that farmers are comfortable in how their data is used, shared and managed.    Developed and adopted by...

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Practical Advice

Jan 29 2020

A Drone that Sprays and Spreads

Wait until you see footage of the XAG UAS Atomisation Spraying and Intelligent Spreading system. At US$27k this UAS is a little pricey, but it does shedloads. Will it unshackle the Smallholder...

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Practical Advice
Open Source Farming

Dec 19 2019

Open Source Farming

Benchmark the value of your agtech software expectations by reviewing options for (nearly) free solutions. The abundance of emerging agtech may be able to solve any problem a farmer may have, but the upfront costs and...

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Practical Advice

Dec 13 2019

Buying AgTech Online

Agtech equipment, sensors, monitoring gear and all the accessories can be a bit of an investment and every piece is an important piece of a much larger puzzle. If you’re buying agtech...

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Practical Advice

Dec 13 2019

Getting Started with AgTech

Researching how to get started with AgTech in your farming operation can be daunting. There are so many options! All the popular brands, as well as brands you’ve never heard of… and plenty...

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Practical Advice
Buzzword Breakdown - GPS

Nov 19 2019

Buzzword Breakdown – GPS

What is it? How does it work? Will GPS location tracking work for me? This helpful guide will get you started with some ideas on how you can get GPS working for your farming...

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Practical Advice

Oct 03 2019

Buying Used AgTech Equipment

There are obvious cost benefits if you buy second hand agtech equipment, but remember you are buying equipment that someone else doesn’t want- and that’s probably for a good reason. Here are...

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Practical Advice
Buzzword Breakdown - IoT

Aug 13 2019

Buzzword Breakdown – IoT

As new innovations continue to propel the growth of Australian agriculture, one of the key technologies shaping this development is ‘IoT’. So, what is IoT? The Internet of Things, commonly shortened to IoT, is a term that...

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