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Green Atlas is an agricultural services company that assists tree-crop growers in managing the lifecycle of every fruit on every tree in their orchard. This is a particularly challenging problem given the density of commercially grown tree-crops; as that information typically needs to be collected at tree-level (not from overhead); and because many fruits are managed ‘to target’, tailoring inputs and operations to the needs of each tree.

To achieve the specificity required for tree-level crop management at the speed and price-point required by growers, Green Atlas has taken a novel approach to data gathering and processing, which involves using cameras and LiDAR mounted to a ground vehicle to scan crops at high speed with high reliability and repeatability. Its patent-pending technology is unique and field proven.

Founded in 2018, the company has worked in Apples, Almonds, Cherries, Kiwifruit and Wine Grapes across the spectrum of fruit lifecycle, from flowering to mature fruit, and in the case of almonds, post-harvest to map ‘mummified’ nuts left on the trees. The company has operates globally (see website), with hundreds of thousands of acres scanned!

Green Atlas leverages a decade of world-leading University research in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to tree crops, and is proud to be continuing its close and extensive collaborations with Universities, industry peak bodies, and government departments to test and develop its products for further industry benefit.

Green Atlas Products (1)

The Green Atlas Cartographer is an innovative combination of hardware and software that allows flower, fruit and nut counts to be quickly and accurately mapped over entire orchards.
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