Next Instruments designs and manufactures instruments for the agriculture and food industries. Our products include the Near infrared analyser for measuring protein, oil and moisture in grains and food. We have developed an on-combine grain analyser that measures protein, oil and moisture in grains as they are harvested. This technology provides farmers with the ability to blend grain based on protein, moisture and oil, segregate their grain on farm, optimise nitrogen fertilisation and increase yield.

Next Instruments Products (3)

The CropScan 3000 Automated Grain Analysis System is a multi function system designed to automate the analysis of grains and oil seeds in a receival silo, grain trade, farmer or agricultural research laboratory.
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The CropScan 3300H On Combine Analyser is a Near Infrared Analyser that measures protein, oil and moisture in grains and oil seeds as they are harvested in a combine harvester.
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SeedCount is an image analyser designed specifically to analyse the physical characteristics of grains, pulses and oil seeds.
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