Trust Codes on social media

Trust Codes® powerful cloud based platform creates a unique digital identity for every product / item to deliver a direct line of engagement between brands and consumers, capturing intelligent and traceable information, connecting consumers to the truth. Today’s connected consumers are looking for the truth when it comes to products they consume or use in or on their bodies and brands want to maximise real-time data and direct consumer engagement. Consumer and regulator demand for transparency is one of the great strategic imperatives of our time.

Our technology goes beyond ‘mass-serialisation’ because each and every cryptographic identity is web addressable to create a persistent and traceable item level digital fingerprint. With this consumer accessible digital item identity, Trust Codes® helps food and beverage brand owners combat product fraud, engage with consumers and comply with regulatory requirements.

We work with our brands to create a beautiful UX, tailoring content to tell rich contextual stories directly to consumers. This allows brands to control their messaging and highlighting their point of difference directly to consumers. We work closely with GS1 and many providers to ensure seamless deployment of our technology.

Trust Codes Products (1)

Trust Codes Limited is a fast growing technology company providing a suite of solutions to digitally fingerprint each and every food, beverage and nutraceutical item to help protect brands, provide transparency to consumers, better control their supply chain and deliver data visualisation of their supply chain.
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