Soil Carbon Sequestration Project

The first step in setting up a project is to register it with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER), under an approved Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) methodology. Methodologies set out the rules and requirements for undertaking a project. Once the project is registered, a new eligible management practice must be implemented. The ERF is a Government fund setup to purchase Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), to help Australia meet its emission reduction targets. One ACCU represents 1 tonne of CO2 emissions avoided or sequestered. An ERF soil carbon project enables a producer to generate ACCUs and sell them to the Government, companies or private buyers. Projects generate ACCUs by implementing new, eligible management practices that sequester carbon into the soil. 1 tonne of Soil Organic Carbon sequestered is equivalent to 3.66 tonnes of CO2.

CarbonLink > Soil Carbon Sequestration Project > 718d12cd-a367-4903-8a70-7af374fbbb12 - drillingcarbon2-700x371
Pricing model

Baseline soil carbon stocks are measured at the start of the project, then remeasured every 1 to 5 years. If the new management practice has increased soil carbon stocks then carbon credits may be generated. Project greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are also counted to ensure any soil carbon sequestered is not offset by an increase in emissions. The increase in a projects carbon stocks less emissions is known as net abatement. Total net abatement is the amount used to calculate the number of ACCUs issued for a project. To ensure that any ACCUs issued are genuine, discounts are applied to the Net Abatement amount.

Installation process

CarbonLink provide a complete range of services for producers who want to run a soil carbon project.

Ongoing maintenance required and support provided in Australia

Carbon sequestered in your soil must be stored for the projects permanence period. You can choose between either a 25 or 100 year permanence period. The permanence period starts when ACCUs are first issued to the project. The new eligible management practice being implemented must be continued for duration of the permanence period. It is important before you start a soil carbon project, that you have a clear understanding of your property’s abatement potential and your obligations when carrying our the project.

Units deployed commerciallyACCUs issuance is anticipated for a number of CarbonLink clients before the 2022 year end.
Data ownership policy

'We do not have a Data Ownership Policy'.

Data privacy and security policy

'We do not have a Privacy and Security Policy'.

Supported RegionsACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC
Focus areas
Product type

Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to our legal statement.

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