Beef Genetics Program
Vytelle combined Vytelle IVF and GrowSafe Systems in July 2020 with the aim of accelerating genetic progress in bovine biotechnology.
Vytelle’s Beef Genetics Program is for seedstock/breeders and utilises the Vytelle SENSE™ system, enabling them to measure individual animal feed Intake in parallel with growth to determine and enable genetic selection for the most feed efficient animals.
This integrated program is comprehensive, no additional services are required. Vytelle provides hardware, software, daily remote support, and analytics. Participation in the program includes membership in the Vytelle network and access to the world’s largest efficiency database for global benchmarking and selection.
The Feed Intake technology measures feed disappearance every second an animal is feeding, each time an animal feeds, to a 10-gram resolution. The In-pen weighing technology measures individual animals weights daily while they drink.