Schedule-it Irrigation Scheduling Service and Platform
Our Irrigation scheduling platform, offers the following features:
- Reliable, scientific and technically sound live irrigation recommendations in mm, cubes or hours, 7 days in advance
- Accurate, hourly, data from: soil moisture probes, weather stations, canopy sensors, flow meters, in-line EC meters, rain gauges, dendrometers and sap flow meters, amongst other IoT sensors related to irrigation scheduling
- Integrates with most manufacturers of soil moisture probes and telemetry
- Water savings
- Electricity savings
- Optimizing production Our system is based on agronomic principals, is cloud based, remote and supported by specialists in various fields of agricultural sciences, IT and hardware technologies and easily accessible on your mobile or desktop in real-time. We are able to offer assessment, installation and after sale services off all hardware and telemetry to optimize irrigation scheduling. Schedule-it helps our clients maximize production yields by ensuring optimal water usage