Farm management software focusing on pack sheds, dispatch creation, logistics and followup.
Pricing Model
The cost of Pack Shed Pro is an annual subscription, with the first year slightly higher to cover initial setup, training, and support. Feedback is desired regarding bugs etc, and all of these are free. If you have a feature that is specific to you this can often be created for you at an agreed cost.
Installation Process
Pack Shed Pro is a SaaS product, so installation consists of a questionnaire and the team at Pack Shed Pro doing the initial setup.
Ongoing Maintenance Required and Support Provided in Australia
As our product is not hardware based we can perform all support by phone or email. Phone support is available at whatever hours our customers need help (24/7).
We are based in Far North Queensland, so farmers in this area also benefit from a physical presence if they so desire.
Units Deployed Commercially
Energy Source
Mains powered
Communications Capability
Data Ownership Policy
Customer owns all data and we do not ever give it to third parties without express permission from the customer.