Phoenix Power Budgets
Power Budgets is a unique budget planning facility specially designed to simply and quickly plan for your future growth. Display many enterprise cash flow and production sheets on the screen simultaneously so you can plan each enterprise within your business individually and still see in real time the overall effect on your cash flow.
Power Budgets gives you the tools to make the right decision with the ability to compare one enterprise or scenario to another, one year to another or any budget to actual results for any enterprise or combinations of enterprises. Phoenix Power Budgets will help you realise competitive advantage allowing you to respond and adapt quickly to change.
This easy-to-use module enables sensitivity and risk analysis, along with sophisticated ‘what if’ scenarios to keep the bank, accountant and business manager informed. Experience budget visualisation tools, load actuals figures into budgets and projected budgets. Power Budgets allows you to have customisable budget periods, expandable worktables and budget to the cost centre level. If you want to budget with GST Exclusive or Inclusive, we can accommodate that with easy switching between the two.