This package offers horticulture growers the most accurate and comprehensive package for trees and vineyards with the inclusion of a precise dendrometer sensor for measuring fruit size.

With this package you will receive the information in real time from your infield sensors, processed by our industry leading software and irrigation specialists into a 7 day irrigation scheduling forecast in mm or h to your phone or PC.

Additional information displayed includes plant growth, fruit growth curves, growth to water usage reports, season reports, fertigation application rate and duration, irrigation flow rate, irrigation volume applied, chill units, growing degree days, weather forecast, spray condition forecast, soil auger reports, photos, push notifications etc.

80 cm soil moisture probe – Soil Moisture and temperature
telemetry unit – Cellular connectivity
solar panel with rechargeable batteries
canopy sensor – Temperature and Humidity
inline EC – Inline EC monitoring
inline flow meter – Inline flow monitoring
dendrometer – Fruit size measuring and monitoring
Irrigation scheduling service
Regular farms visits and maintenance