
The Agmatix Platform is your end-to-end solution for all problems related to agronomic data analysis and synthesis and field trial management. Standardize data from legacy and ongoing experiments in one place. Transform data insights into decision support systems (DSS) to optimize crop protocol management.


Tuval 40
Ramat Gan Tel Aviv 5252247

Country of originIsrael
Key ContactAlberto Argy
Phone Number+972559322971
Year EstablishedJanuary/2020
Supported RegionsAll of Australia
Data ownership policy

Agmatix is a SaaS platform that helps data owners solve their data analysis challenges and synthesis. Agmatix does not own the data – the data is owned by the platform’s users. The data’s confidentiality policy is also established by the data owner. Some of the platform users (mainly organizations or institutions) decide to open their databases, while others have more strict data sharing policies. Both alternatives are supported by Agmatix’s platform. Additionally, data regulations rules apply.

Data privacy and security policy

We will not share data with third parties, except in the events listed below or when directed by the Controller of the data. 1. We will share data with our service providers who help us to operate the Platform and our business: We do not provide access to or sell, raw data, including personal information, to third parties. 2. We will share data with competent authorities, if you abused your right to use the Platform, or violated any applicable law 3. We will share data if we are legally required to do so 4. We will share data with third parties in any event of change in agmatix’s structure. 5. We do not sell personal information.

Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to our legal statement.

Food Agility logo
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IAG logo
MLA logo
AgriFutures logo
National Farmers Federation logo